Toolset · BugSwarm REST API


Requires Python 3.

$ pip3 install bugswarm-common

Filtering and Retrieving Artifact Metadata

There are a few functions that are of interest in regards to filtering and retrieving metadata of artifacts.

  • find_artifact(image_tag): Returns the metadata about an artifact.
  • list_artifacts(): Returns a list of artifacts' metadata that are Java or Python and have at least one reproduce success.
  • filter_artifacts(filter_str): Returns a list of artifacts' metadata based on a custom filter. The filter should use MongoDB query syntax.
  • get_build_log(job_id): Returns the original build log of a job.


(Optional) Request a token

  • You can use the BugSwarm API without an API token, but unauthenticated requests are limited to 6 per minute. Authenticated requests are not rate limited.

Import the DatabaseAPI and create an instance of it.

>>> from bugswarm.common.rest_api.database_api import DatabaseAPI
>>> bugswarmapi = DatabaseAPI(token='AN_OPTIONAL_TOKEN')
>>> unauthenticated_api = DatabaseAPI()  # Rate limited

Using the API to filter artifacts such that artifacts that are returned are: Java and are flaky.

>>> api_filter = '{"reproduce_successes":{"$gt":0, "$lt":5}, "lang":"Java"}'
>>> bugswarmapi.filter_artifacts(api_filter)

Using the API to retrieve metadata for one artifact.

>>> bugswarmapi.find_artifact('Abjad-abjad-289716771')

Using the API to retrieve the original log of a job.

>>> bugswarmapi.get_build_log('289716771')

Using the API to retrieve metadata for all artifacts that are Java or Python and have at least one reproduce success.

>>> bugswarmapi.list_artifacts()


The BugSwarm REST API is located:

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