Toolset · BugSwarm CLI


Requires Python 3.

$ pip3 install bugswarm-client


Download a Docker image and enter the Docker container associated with an artifact.

$ bugswarm run --image-tag <image_tag>

Depending on how Docker is configured on your machine, you may need to enter an administrator password.

Download a Docker image and enter the Docker container with a shared folder between the container and the host machine.

$ bugswarm run --image-tag <image_tag> --use-sandbox

Show metadata for an artifact.

$ bugswarm show --image-tag <image_tag>

Show usage text for the entire tool or for a specific sub-command.

$ bugswarm --help
$ bugswarm <sub-command> --help

Show the version.

$ bugswarm --version


$ bugswarm run --image-tag square-okio-140452393
$ bugswarm show --image-tag square-okio-140452393 [--token <token>]

You can use BugSwarm Client without a token. However, unauthenticated requests are subject to rate limits (6 requests/minute). You can request a token here.

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